
Punk [Punk Rock]

Stefan Rebhan
A - Attnang Puchheim
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It all began in 2002 with an idea of 3 guys, Chris, Steve and Luke which just met and wanted to do something special. So they started with a fourth member, Mike, a punk rock band, called “Recently Nameless”.
So as time went by, Mike’s taste of music rapidly changed and the music RN was playing didn’t fit it, that’s why he decided to quit.

So the whole band needed to be changed. Luke started to play bass instead of the guitar and the guys wanted a new name for the new band. At the end they picked a name out of the many ideas they had, which motivated everybody to start all over again, “BetNick”.

They threw all their old songs away and started working on completely new ones. That was a very, tough but also exciting time for the band, in which the style of the band was created. Besides the whole songwriting and rehearsing they also started to perform on events and parties frequently.

Then in 2004, after some struggling, they were finally able to record their first demo record, which was called “Ride the line”, named after a song on it. With the experience they got they immediately continued to write songs and perform on stages.

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