Theatre of Masquerade founded in 2004 are known for their melodic song writing and manage with ease to introduce the listeners to their own world of hymn like melodies and foot tapping hits. Theatre of Masquerade T. o. M. Van Adrian DerRick do not fit into any clean cut category of music. Theatre of Masquerade is the result of years of work in song writing and intense musical progress. T. o. M. is inspired by dreams, thoughts, fears, disappointment, love and pain everything that makes life interesting and the audience can recognise and relate to. The songs are mostly based on personal experience or take a look at society and its issues. The various musical style of Theatre of Masquerade elevate it to much more than a short lived affair. Thearte of Masquerade offers more than just one dimention of sound. Thearte of Masquerade delve into Electro, Industrial-styles as well as epic ballads and create their own special unmistakeble and emotional sound.
The sound of Theatre of Masquerade.
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